This post marks the first post in a new series related to Sustainable Transition. This semester I am taking a course on Sustainable Transition and will be documenting my learnings from the course in a series of posts.
First off, What is Sustainable Transition ?
“The starting point for transitions research is a recognition that many environmental problems, such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, resource depletion (clean water, oil, forests, fish stocks), are formidable societal challenges, whose solution requires deep structural changes in key areas of human activity, including our transport, energy, agrifood, housing, manufacturing, leisure and other systems. Furthermore we recognise that the crucial challenge for sustainable development is the fact that existing systems tend to be very difficult to ‘dislodge’ because they are stabilized by various lock-in processes that lead to path dependent developments and ‘entrapment’.” From the Mission Statement and Research Agenda for the Sustainability Transitions Research Network.
My expectations for the course are that I will develop in the following areas:
Learn Sustainable Transition Theory. Categories of lessons:
- Niches
- Interventions
- Mediators and Junctions
- the main issues that prevent sustainable transition
- the main elements that promote sustainable transition
- How does a phenomena reproduce and thus become mainstream ?
Firming a personal standpoint in local and global societies position in sustainability, sustainable development, and sustainable transition.
The following posts in this series will discuss and reflect on the course subjects and relate them to a sustainable transition initiative local to Copenhagen.
I have two possible cases in mind and am still deciding where I should focus. The potential cases are:
- KBHFF – a local food collective in Copenhagen that supports regional organic and biodynamic farmers by creating a market made up of collective members who purchase seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables every week. The collective is member driven and demonstrates sustainability in each pillar of sustainable development: ecological, social, economic, as well as cultural. I am personally a member of this organization.
- Byhaven 2200 – a permaculture garden in the middle of a public park in Nørrebro. Again, this initiative is completely member driven and also supports the 4 pillars of sustainable development. I am not yet a member of this organization but I have a high interest in joining – just need to find the time !!! This project could be a good opportunity to start 🙂